Sunday, May 30, 2010

Funky Field Trip

May 7,8 & 9th - I was in a play called funky field trip. This is the story about a "funky field trip." Once there were three calm planets. Until all of them became afraid of each other because they had giant fighters. And so there was a war, until Miss Delores and her class, principle Bob, and superintendent chew toy stopped the war. And they had an olympics. But the fighters had self destruct buttons on them and whoever lost the olympics would blow up. And the rocket ship that Miss Delores flew in on had 42.7KHz and so did the fighters self destruct buttons. So they had the olympic games and they all won. The games were: zim-peeckle-knockle-plockle (it's sort of like patty cake), oootz & ahhhtz, not looking at you game & throwing by the hair game. So one of the kids said everyone wins and no one loses. And the grown up that came with Miss Deleores said no one self destructs. And another kid said we can all go home.

The End